Friendship Quotes Biography
Source ( name: "Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez", known as 'The Rat' (... "and any other aliases he might have").
Tuco Quotes: "There are two kinds of people in the world my friend, those with a rope around their neck and the people have the job of doing the cutting."
"There are two kinds of spurs my friend, those that come in by the door, those that come in by the window."
"Blondie's" Quote: "You see in this world, there's two kinds of people my friend, those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Tuco, in "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" (1966) was "the Ugly" - a wanted man in the American Old West, with a price on his head of $2,000. This Mexican desperado's wanted poster is not completely unfurled by the gang ambushing him at the beginning of the film, so we cannot be sure for all of what he was wanted (at least by them).
However, a partial account of Tuco's other known crimes is transcribed below as best known discerned from the dialog of the court officials during a careful viewing of the classic film "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" in which he is just about to be hanged (twice); only to be "rescued" by 'The Man with No Name'* (called "Blondie" by Tuco) using his miraculous movies-only possible sharpshooting with a Henry repeating rifle (which also miraculously fires in terrific rapid-fire to affect the 'redemption' of Tuco):
Tuco's Crimes Stated During the First "Hanging": Tuco was "wanted in 14 counties of this state, the condemned is found guilty of the crimes of murder; armed robbery of citizens, state banks and post offices; the theft of sacred objects; arson in a state prison; perjury; bigamy; deserting his wife and children; inciting prostitution; kidnapping; extortion; receiving stolen goods; selling stolen goods; passing counterfeit money; and contrary to the laws of this state the condemned is guilty of using marked cards ... (inaudible due to other dialog) ... Therefore, according to the powers vested in us we sentence the accused here before us Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez and any other aliases he might have to hang by the neck until dead. May God have mercy on his soul. Proceed."
("Blondie" starts delivering his miracle shots cutting the rope, dusting off the hats of the official and lookers-on, etc.)
The Second "Hanging": Tuco was also "wanted in 15 counties of this state, the condemned standing before us - sitting before us - Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez has been for guilty by the Third District Circuit Court of the following crimes: murder; assaulting a Justice of the Peace; raping a virgin of the White race, and statuatory rape of a minor of the Black race; of derailing of trains in order to rob the passengers; ... (again portions are inaudible due to other characters talking) ... robbery; highway robbery; robbing an unknown number of post offices; breaking out of a ... and the condemned is associated ... ... marked cards and loaded dice ... ... catching and selling fugitive slaves ... thereby ... in a high place of authority ... in the Sheriff's Office in Sonora ... setting fire to a wagon train; ... statement in advance ... a hundred rounds to a Souix Indian ... the condemnded is also guilty of ... supplying Indians ... and mis-representing himself as a Mexican general ... salary and allowance from the Union Army. Of all these crimes the accused made made a full, spontaneous confession. Therefore we condemn him to be hung (sic) by the neck until dead. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. Proceed."
(The shooting starts again, and Tuco is one again 'redeemed', but since "it's getting harder", "Blondie" dissolves the partnership (it's "untied"). He rides off with the money and generously - albeit smart-assedly - tells Tuco that "you remain tied" and "can keep the rope".)
The two re-form their 'partnership' to battle "Angel Eyes" ("Sentenza" as masterfully played by Lee van Cleef) and have memorable good times tracking down the $200,000 in gold - Sentenza ('The Bad') being not allowed to partake, naturally.
Exactly why "Blondie" doesn't dispatch Tuco and divide the loot with him at the end of the movie for his evidently nefarious life of crime is unknown (except, of course, because "Blondie" is 'The Good'), yet we, the audience liken to the hapless Tuco and invest a passing interest in his well-being, general health and good spirits. And even though "Blondie" executes three possibly obstensively innocent men (the 3 bounty hunters) just to get him for himself for the hanging/rope cutting partnership, We get to like 'the Rat' at least enough to not want to see him killed, even at the famous and story-tidy - yet marvelously high-tension - "Last Hanging of Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez" at the end of the film.
(And it's made obvious to Tuco that anybody as capable as "Blondie" would not appreciate being followed to obscond with his 'cut' of the take.)
* In "For a Fist Full of Dollars" Clint Eastwood's character is referred to as 'Manco' by a sheriff, but since each trilogy is considered as a separate story with different characters, we never know his real name in the film.
Actress Marilyn Monroe was born as Norma Jeane Mortensen on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. During her all-too-brief life, Marilyn Monroe overcame a difficult childhood to become of the world's biggest and most enduring sex symbols. During her career, Monroe's films grossed more than $200 million. Monroe died of a drug overdose on August 5, 1962, at only 36 years old.
Early Life
Famed Career
Death and Legacy
"Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered."
– Marilyn Monroe
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Early Life
Marilyn Monroe was born as Norma Jeane Mortensen (later baptized as Norma Jeane Baker) on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. During her all-too-brief life, Marilyn Monroe overcame a difficult childhood to become of the world's biggest and most enduring sex symbols. She never knew her father, and once thought Clark Gable to be her father—a story repeated often enough for a version of it to gain some currency. However, there's no evidence that Gable ever met or knew Monroe's mother, Gladys, who developed psychiatric problems and was eventually placed in a mental institution. As an adult, Monroe would maintain that one of her earliest memories was of her mother trying to smother her in her crib with a pillow. Monroe had a half-sister, to whom she was not close; they met only a half-dozen times.
Growing up, Monroe spent much of her time in foster care and in an orphanage. In 1937, a family friend and her husband, Grace and Doc Goddard, took care of Monroe for a few years. The Goddards were paid $25 weekly by Monroe's mother to raise her. The couple was deeply religious and followed fundamentalist doctrines; among other prohibited activities, Monroe was not allowed to go to the movies. But when Doc's job was transferred in 1942 to the East Coast, the couple could not afford to bring Monroe with them.
At 7 years old, Monroe returned to a life in foster homes, where she was on several occasions sexually assaulted; she later said that she had been raped when she was 11 years old. But she had one way out—get married. She wed her boyfriend Jimmy Dougherty on June 19, 1942, at the age of 16. By that time, Monroe had dropped out of high school (age 15). A merchant marine, Dougherty was later sent to the South Pacific. Monroe went to work in a munitions factory in Burbank, California, where she was discovered by a photographer. By the time Dougherty returned in 1946, Monroe had a successful career as a model, and had changed her name to Marilyn Monroe in preparation for an acting career. She dreamt of becoming an actress like Jean Harlow and Lana Turner.
Famed Career
Monroe's marriage to Dougherty fizzled out as she focused more on her career. The couple divorced in 1946—the same year that Monroe signed her first movie contract. With the movie contract came a new name and image; she began calling herself "Marilyn Monroe" and dyed her hair blonde. But her acting career didn't really take off until the 1950s. Her small part in John Huston's crime drama The Asphalt Jungle (1950) garnered her a lot of attention. That same year, she impressed audiences and critics alike with her performance as Claudia Caswell in All About Eve, starring Bette Davis.
"I'm totally at home on the stage. That's where I live. That's where I was born. That's where I'm safe."
"I feel guilty just sitting around when I know I can be doing something."
"It was hard to have your life turn into public property, even if you appreciated that people were interested in you because of your music."
"I never smile when I dance."
"Even at home, I'm lonely. I sit in my room sometimes and cry. It's so hard to make friends, and there are some things you can't talk to your parents about. I sometimes walk around the neighborhood at night, just hoping to find someone to talk to. But I just end up coming home."
"I am a very sensitive person. A person with very vulnerable feelings. My best friends in the whole world are children and animals. They're the ones who tell the truth and love you openly and without reservation. Adults have learned how to hide their feeling and their emotions. They can lie. They will smile to your face and say bad things behind your back. Children haven't learned those things yet, and they can't hurt you."
On his family:
"Both mom and dad knew that music was a way of keeping the family together in a neighborhood where gangs recruited kids my brothers' ages."
What others say:
"When I hear the name Michael Jackson, I think of brilliance, of dazzling stars, lasers and deep emotions. I adore Michael Jackson. I think he is one of the world's biggest and greatest stars, and it just so happens that he is one fo the most gifted music makers the world has ever known." - Elizabeth Taylor
"I don't want to say he's gifted, but I know there's something special about him." - Katherine Jackson
"He can sing in front of 90,000 people, but in front of three it's very difficult for him. We've sat in my studio when he was going to sing me a new song and I've had to close my eyes and turn my back." - Quincy Jones
"It's a nice place Michael comes from. I wish we could all spend some time in his world." - Steven Spielberg
"He dances with the breathtaking verve of his predecessor James Brown, the beguiling wispiness of Diana Ross, the ungainly pathos of Charlie Chaplin, the edgy joy of a man startled to be alive." - Jim Miller (Newsweek)
During my research at university for a book and dissertation, I had the privilege of talking to several friends and aquaintenses of Nick from school and university. Though I didn't discover anything new, it was always interesting to hear another perspective on Nick (I particularly like the C. G Reynold quote). I also spoke with Dave Barber who was researching a film documentary about Nick. He told me how difficult the project had been as firstly, there was little or no footage of Nick himself, but secondly because his life "just wasn't that interesting". This at first sounded a little harsh. Though his music was rarely less than remarkable, his life was in many senses unremarkable.He hadn't taken the cliched path of drug fuelled excess that many contemporaries had been taking at the time. He had had a privileged and comfortable upbringing, going from public school to Cambridge. However, despite being a shy and introspective individual, he rarely failed to leave a lasting impression on people.
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