Quotes About Life Biography
Source (Google.com.pk)Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman military and political leader. In 78 BCE Caesar began his political career in the Forum at Rome as an advocate, known for his oratory and ruthless prosecution of former governors notorious for extortion and corruption. Cicero once commented, "Does anyone have the ability to speak better than Caesar?" Aiming at rhetorical perfection, Caesar traveled to Rhodes in 75 BC for philosophical and oratorical studies with the famous teacher Apollonius Molo.
Caesar was instrumental in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. His conquest of Gallia Comata extended the Roman world all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, introducing Roman influence into what has become modern France, an accomplishment of which direct consequences are visible to this day. In 55 BC Caesar launched the first Roman invasion of Britain. Caesar fought and won a civil war which left him undisputed master of the Roman world, and began extensive reforms of Roman society and government. He was proclaimed dictator for life, and heavily centralized the already faltering government of the weak Republic.
Caesar summoned the Senate to meet in the Theatrum Pompeium on the Ides of March 44 BC. As the Senate convened, Caesar was attacked and stabbed to death by a group of Senators who called themselves the Liberators. They justified their action on the grounds that they committed tyrannicide, not murder, and were preserving the Republic from Caesar's alleged monarchical ambitions. Ironically he fell at the feet of a statue of his greatest rival, Pompey the Great. His last words, generally thought to be those reported by Suetonius "You too, (my) son?" and Shakespeare's Et tu, Brute? ("And (even) you, Brutus?") are without ancient authority. The dramatic assassination on the Ides of March was the catalyst for a second set of civil wars, which marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire under Caesar's grand-nephew and adopted son Octavian, later known as Caesar Augustus.
Caesar's military campaigns are known in detail from his own written Commentaries (Commentarii), and many details of his life are recorded by later historians such as Suetonius, Plutarch, and Cassius Dio.
Important Note (September, 2012) - I have submitted an essay to a competition on the foundations of physical reality. It explains how matter and fields are just two different ways that space vibrates. It is very simple and obvious once understood, has profound consequences for humanity, our sense of self in the universe knowing that we vibrate with everything around us. Please read it, rate it, and I will reply to all comments. Thanks, Geoff haselhurst (11th Sept. 2012)
Site Introduction (2012): Despite several thousand years of failure to correctly understand physical reality (hence the current postmodern view that this is impossible) there is an obvious solution.
Simply unite Science (Occam's Razor / Simplicity) with Metaphysics (Dynamic Unity of Reality) and describe reality from only one substance existing, as Leibniz wrote;
'Reality cannot be found except in One single source, because of the interconnection of all things with one another'.
Given we all experience many minds and many material things, but always in one common Space, we are thus required to describe physical reality in terms of Space. We then find there is only one solution, a Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) where the electron is a spherical standing wave. See Wave Diagrams.
In hindsight the error was obvious, to try and describe an interconnected reality with discrete 'particles', which then required forces / fields to connect them in space and time. This was always just a mathematical solution which never explained how matter was connected across the universe.
I realise that there are a lot of 'crackpot' theories about truth and reality on the internet, but it is easy to show that the Wave Structure of Matter is the correct solution as it deduces the laws of Nature (the fundamentals of Physics & Philosophy) perfectly (there are no opinions). While the Wave Structure of Matter is obvious once known, to begin it will seem strange simply because it takes time for our minds to adjust to new knowledge.
For those who are religious / spiritual, I think Albert Einstein expresses the enlightened view of God. He writes 'I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.' This harmony arises from a Wave Structure of Matter in Space (we are all interconnected in this space that we all commonly experience). This unity of reality (God, Brahman, Tao, Spirit, Energy, Light, Vibration) is central to all major world religions, thus their common moral foundation of 'Do unto others as to thyself' as the other is part of the self.
Please help our world (human society / life on earth) by sharing this knowledge.
Clearly our world is in great trouble due to human overpopulation and the resultant destruction of Nature, climate change and the pollution of air, land and water. The best solution to these problems is to found our societies on truth and reality rather than past myths and customs (which invariably cause harm).
We are listed as one of the Top Philosophy Websites on the Internet with around 600,000 page views each week, and rank in the top 20 in Google for many academic search terms - so we just need a bit of help to get in the top five. Given the Censorship in Physics / Philosophy of Science Journals (founded on the standard model / particle physics) the internet is clearly the best way to get new knowledge visible to the world.
A world now in great need of wisdom from truth and reality.
Men willingly believe what they wish. (Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico)
I love the name of honor, more than I fear death.
In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes.
It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life.
As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can.
If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it.
It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience. (Julius Caesar)
Vivian Greene’s quotes are becoming a proverbial way of life for business, industry and as she says, “…balancing the highest good with the bottom line.”
Renowned Intellectual Property Attorney Gary Fergus said, “Vivian Greene is the epitome of one of her famous quotes”…“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
It’s not just the millions she has earned by publishing her greeting cards and licensing products, Vivian has dedicated her life to making a difference in the world by “helping mankind.”
She won a National Press Award for her article on Brotherhood in the Seattle Times at the age of 16.
At 21, she was the youngest and first female greeting card manufacturer in the United States and sold more than 80 million of her greeting cards.
photo by Gina Rosa 3-20-11
At 25, Vivian was proclaimed a “business dynamo,” self-made millionaire and was featured on the cover of the Miami Herald Tropic Magazine story,“You Can Still Make a Million in Miami.”
Vivian’s syndicated comic strip Kisses ™ appeared in 22 countries. She continues to bring smiles, laughter, love and dance to audiences around the world with her Kisses™ characters.
Vivian puts her trademark “All that is real is seen with the heart.” in action. One of her Kisses ™ projects called Endearing Advocacy, is about “business people finding better, proactive and profitable ways to help.”
The scope of her work has no boundaries; from her trademark, “Legal Lemonade®
to her book “GOOD MOURNING – What Death Teaches us about life.” Her classic children’s books are in schools and public libraries throughout the US and Japan. Her inspirational works can be found in Walmart, Whole Foods and Christian Book Stores. Vivian’s quotes are available through quotablecards on many of their products.
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